The 10th World Water Forum Defines the World's Water Management Strategy

Jakarta - The 10th World Water Forum taking place in Bali on May 18-25, 2024 will present three main processes to discuss policies and strategies in managing water resources globally. 

This was conveyed by the Deputy Chairperson of the Secretariat of the 10th World Water Forum National Organizing Committee as well as Expert Staff to the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) for Technology, Industry and Environment Endra S. Atmawidjaja in Jakarta, Saturday (27/4/2024).

"The 10th World Water Forum meeting mechanism will be divided into three processes that are interrelated with each other, namely the political process, thematic process, and regional process. The whole process is expected to produce a joint agreement or Ministerial Declaration (MD) related to water management issues in the world," Endra said in a press release received by InfoPublik on Saturday (27/4/2024).

Endra also revealed that there were four points of proposals pushed by Indonesia as the host to be agreed upon as a Ministerial Declaration, namely the establishment of World Lake Day (WLD), the establishment of a Center of Excellence on Water and Climate Resilience (COE), mainstreaming Water Management for Small Islands, and the preparation of a Compendium of Concrete Deliverables and Actions. 

"The first point is because we have to admit, many lakes or sites have disappeared both in Indonesia and other countries. This is important to discuss because lakes are one of the sources of raw water, energy, and flood control," said Endra. 

The second point is the Center of Excellence on Water and Climate Resilience. Related to this, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has submitted a concept note that focuses on aspects of research cooperation and data exchange.

Furthermore, the third point is related to the discussion of Water Management for Small Islands. Indonesia also encourages strengthening the capacity of the outer islands in producing clean water. 

And the last point is the recording of a list of water projects as an inclusive but voluntary Compendium of Concrete Deliverables and Actions. 

The Compendium will contain a list of projects, initiatives and collaborations managed by national, regional and international water stakeholders. Indonesia will also set up an online platform for the submission process.

In addition, the forum which carries the theme Water for Shared Prosperity also has six subthemes that will be discussed including Water Security and Prosperity, Water for People and Nature, Disaster Risk Reduction Management, Governance, Water Cooperation and Diplomacy, Sustainable Water Financing and Innovation and Knowledge. 

The 10th World Water Forum is one of the milestones to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target number six, which is the fulfillment of access to clean water and proper sanitation for all. Stakeholders will collaborate with each other in finding solutions to water problems in the world at the forum. (