Indonesia uses 10th World Water Forum to explore weather prediction management

Jakarta - Indonesia took the 10th World Water Forum as an opportunity to explore, learn, and develop weather prediction management to deal with extreme climates. This is especially to mitigate the impact of extreme weather on domestic food security.

This was said by Expert Staff of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Firdaus Ali in Jakarta, Saturday (27/4/2024).

"We want to also explore, learn, and develop further how the role of weather prediction can be managed properly," said Firdaus.

Firdaus said that weather and climate are predictable phenomena, unlike earthquakes that cannot be predicted when they will occur and how strong they will be.

Therefore, he hopes that by knowing how to develop and manage data from weather predictions, Indonesia can anticipate extreme climates, and mitigate the impact felt by the community.

"So that we can anticipate more precisely, better, in addition we should build infrastructure to be able to support management," Firdaus said.

In order to provide a forum for various countries to exchange ideas, Indonesia proposed the development of a center of excellence or best practices for water and climate resilience (COE).

"Indonesia has the facilities. We already have the infrastructure, we just need international collaboration, support from donor countries," said Firdaus.

Previously, Expert Staff of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) for Technology, Industry and Environment Endra S. Atmawidjaja said that Indonesia will propose the establishment of a Center of Excellence on Water and Climate Resilience at the 2024 World Water Forum to deal with water governance issues due to climate change.

Endra also highlighted the existence of the Sabo Training Center located in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, which could become part of the COE in the future.

By developing Sabo further, Endra believes Yogyakarta can become a place of learning for Southern countries regarding water governance and climate resilience.

In addition to the establishment of the COE, Indonesia hopes the forum can provide concrete results regarding the mainstreaming of integrated water resources management (IWRM) on small islands, as well as the establishment of World Lake Day.

The world's largest water forum will be held in Bali on May 18-25 and focuses on four things, namely water conservation, clean water and sanitation, food and energy security, and mitigation of natural disasters.

The 244 sessions are expected to deliver concrete results on mainstreaming Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) on Small Islands, establishing a Center of Excellence on Water and Climate Resilience (COE), and establishing World Lake Day. ( /Putu Inda/Biqwanto Situmorang/TR/Elvira Inda Sari)